Sunday, April 12, 2009

My epitaph

First, I want say that there are a lot of epitaph in old China. But Chinese people do not write epitaph on their gravestone right now. So I never think about the epitaph for myself. If you want me to write epitaph for myself, I think I'm going to say something fun. For example, "don't always look at my house, you will also have one in the future". "If it's possible, please wake me up". "When you see these words, you step on me". "You don't need a lot of sleep when you alive, because when you died you can sleep forever". I don't think I will write a lot of on my gravestone. Because I don't think that I have enough thing to write. So something that can make people happy is enough. If I really want wirte some serious thing, I will say that the man who live in here is just a common man. He always plan his future very perfect. But he never work hard for his plan. Then he will found some reason to explain for himself. But finally, he finish all the thing in his plan. But I still think that something for fun is good. Like a man said that if someone can remember your story, you can be immortal. My stories cannot let people remember for a lot time. But something for fun can make people remember for a long time. Maybe you will find something really interesting on my gravestone.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Personally, I think that if your gravestone said "If it is possible, please wake me up," that it would be awesome. Everyone who reads it will never forget you! I wouldn't be able to!